Bipolar Manufacturing Times

Assembly Time Required per Item by Station S.
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NOTE: For use in the EPS algorithm, multiply by 100 (EPS uses integers for manufacturing times).

Model S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
1 0.891 1.173 0.823 0.778 1.438 0.568 0.67 0.508 0.792 0.866
2 0.891 1.173 1.043 0.778 0.592 0.568 0.67 0.508 0.792 0.866
3 0.891 0.627 0.823 1.09 0.592 0.568 1.437 0.508 0.792 0.866
4 0.891 0.627 1.043 0.778 0.592 0.568 0.67 1.08 0.792 0.866
5 0.891 0.627 1.043 0.778 0.592 0.568 0.67 0.508 1.004 0.866
6 0.891 1.173 1.043 0.778 0.592 0.568 0.67 0.508 0.792 0.866
7 0.891 0.627 0.823 1.09 0.592 0.568 0.67 1.08 0.792 0.866
8 1.175 0.627 0.823 1.09 0.592 0.568 0.67 0.508 0.792 0.866
9 0.891 1.173 0.823 0.778 0.592 1.171 0.67 0.508 0.792 0.866
10 0.891 0.627 1.043 0.778 0.592 0.568 0.67 1.08 0.792 0.866

Last Updated on 7/7/00
By Keith Oxenrider
Email: koxenrider[at]sol[dash]system[dot]com