Here are various pictures you might find amusing...

Don working the backhoe. This backhoe (we purchased from Wade) is a manual transmission and I am not ready for Don to try to drive it, but he can work the backhoe without too much difficulty.


We got Don and Eliz a cheapie compound bow to see if they would use it enough to be frustrated with its limitations. Don actually practiced quite a bit with it.

Because they both were taking it seriously we invested in a nice new bow for both that removed a lot of the limitations of the original. Don's is still inexpensive, though Eliz is pretty much a low-end hunting bow and has most of the bells and whistles. Here they are doing some practicing...




Manu Caloy taking a break from whatever he was working on. He has been very helpful! He seems happy to be given a back breaking task and while sometimes he moves a bit slow, he keeps at it and I can turn my attention to other things.

A robin made a nest in a very poor location. The next weekend the eggs were gone.

This was sort of thrown in here. Don was running during recess at school and took a dive into a picknick table and smashed his noggin. Five stitches to close him up.

Don giving one of his trademark ugly faces.