Mitch and Neil stopped by and I used that as an excuse to goof off. Eliz decided since I was goofing off, she would start the excavation for the bathroom walls, and guilted us (or rather Mitch and Neil, I would likely have just gone and got a cigar and watched) into 'helping' (really, taking over). The dirt was quite hard and even using a pick it was sometimes very difficult to make progress. It wasn't too long before we came up with the idea of using the jackhammers to do the bulk of the work and things went a bit faster after that.

The 'footer' for the half bath is in, now we are working in the full bath.

It is starting to come together. Now we are discussing Eliz' idea of having an additional shower outside the bathroom. I eventually was able to talk her out of that, I think one is enough.

All done, just back filling with the gravel. That was a really good shoulder workout!
I am sorry you have to see my fat ass practically naked, but it gets quite hot in there now and there really isn't any breeze any longer.

The walls of the bathroom starting to go up, getting the gravel level so we can put the floor in so we can put the shower stall in, which is too big to fit in through the door.

The floor is pretty basic, just plastic, 2x4's on their side (pressure treated), then pressure treated plywood. It relies on gravity to keep it in place.

When we built the house we needed to put the shower stalls in place as we built the bathrooms also, so we have experience with this.

Getting the ceiling in; there is plenty of head room inside, but it looks a bit small compared to the height of the greenhouse and pavilion roofs.

Eliz had this great idea to have a high window in the full bath (there is a window in the half bath) to let in light. I framed it to use a piece of scrap polycarbonate.